Reopening Guidelines

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I'm a rule follower by nature and the guidelines at are fuzzy at best. I've been researching and calling and emailing for clarification on reopening during this pandemic.  I'm as eager to get back to work as you are to come in.  I can hardly wait to have a feeling of routine although it won't feel completely normal for some time.  I woke today to read an email from the county health department inspector from Hamilton County.  He clarified that reopening of spa business does NOT include doing facial services as the guidelines for getting Indiana Back on Track are clear that during this second week of Phase 2 wearing a face mask while in public is recommended.  Facial services are included in Phase 4 beginning June 14 which is when the guidelines state facial masks are 'optional' in public.  I can say this has been very confusing and frustrating.  I personally will continue to wear a face mask in public long after the guidelines state that it's not recommended, until I see numbers decreasing or get a vaccine.  This being said: I will not schedule any new facial appointments until June 16th. I can take you for all body waxing as well as brows and lash treatments.  I've spent several hours rescheduling more than 100 appointments over the last week prior to having a full understanding of the recommendations.  I've personally reached out to all 32 of those who had rescheduled before this new information.  I wouldn't come back unless I felt protected with the all changes we've implemented which I'll detail below. Please know that I want the very best for you as well and if YOU want to wait I completely understand! Financially this has been a burden to us and I'm not certain that The Skin Spot could survive another 2 months of shut down.  I've been lifted up by an overwhelming sense of support with encouraging text messages, comments on my social media posts, product and gift card purchases, several of you have even sent references for summer babysitters and a tutor for Hudson.  I'm so grateful for the wisdom to all who've come before me.  Please see below for new hours (maybe?) along with the changes I've made to keep everyone as safe as possible.


Updated Working Hours

I'm planning to work Tuesdays and Wednesdays 12-8 for June and July and Microblading appointments Thursdays 12-8. Just as this situation changes the schedule does too.  Thank you to everyone for being so patient while we continue to understand the latest information as it affects us. If I haven't contacted you and you had an appointment cancelled due to the shut down: it was an oversight.  Please reach out! 



If one can be expert on cross contamination you're hearing my voice in your head right now.  As many of you know my oldest son has severe food allergies.  I have my own lifelong peanut allergy.  We know how to prevent cross contamination!  Our lives depend on it.  I carry a certification on preventing blood borne pathogens that updates yearly. Here are some of the changes you may or may not notice:

  • Please come wearing a face mask that covers your nose and mouth

  • Do not crowd the hallway.  Allow for social distancing.

  • Appointments are spread 15 minutes apart to allow for cleaning and social distancing.  Please do not arrive early.

  • Do not bring anyone with you to the appointment.  I will not be seeing minors at this time. 

  • Please do not talk during your service as we know that COVID comes from the droplets both from the mouth and the nose.

  • If you're sneezing, coughing, have a fever or have been traveling and/or exposed to someone that you know has tested positive for COVID,  please do not come within the contagious window.

  • The building manager has informed me that the common areas will be cleaned "as she sees fit".  Do not taking the elevator if possible and don't touch the handrails.  The bathrooms will be cleaned daily. We have soap and paper towels for hand washing in the suite as well as hand sanitizer.  Please use them.

  • We've hired a laundry service to properly sanitize all linens.  The biggest challenge with that has been storage and purchasing enough linens to get through three full spa days. 

  • We are fully stocked with hospital grade disinfectant and alcohol for the purpose of wiping all surfaces down between clients.

  • We have an air filter to help circulate the air as well as clean it.  

  • The door will be propped open if possible to allow for air flow.

  • We have removed anything unnecessary.  No samples, no snacks, no magazines.

  • The PPE being recommended is off the hook!  I little nurse / Darth Vadar vibe be prepared!

  • We have your best interest at heart along with protecting ourselves and our families! 


Your patience and understanding has helped get us through all of this. I heard the term 'lean in'  today during online church.  It was described as a way of getting through tough times. When faced with diversity we can make the choice to lean in or look the other way.  I'm resilient and driven and trying hard to stay positive. Thank you to everyone for leaning in.