Is it over yet

2020 BYE BYE. This has been a very challenging year for everyone. It’s interesting too because everyone experienced it in a different way even though we were all in it together. Being forced to close my business from March to May was a challenge but with so much support from clients, friends and family I made it through. I certainly had some good days and some not so good days but overall I embraced it and moved forward. I think reopening with COVID protocols kept me challenged in another way. I kept my appointments spaced and kept my boys home. Then I think everyone kind of forgot about COVID for about a minute and things just began to feel like the “new normal” We sent the boys back to school full time and life got a little easier still. Mid October I noticed some changes to my vision in my right eye. I saw dark spots like fruit flies, then flashing light and a dark area that seemed dead. After being sent to a surgeon for evaluation he confirmed: my retina had detached and required immediate surgery. They placed a gas bubble in my eye to help it heal properly and I was told cataract surgery would likely be needed after healing. The recovery the first 24 hours was head facing down 90% of the time. So i set a timer for 10 minutes every hour to allow for eating and drinking and using the restroom then went face down again. I had a patch on my eye and was instructed to sleep facing down. I went for a followup the next day. The patch was removed and the surgeon instructed me to keep my chin to chest for the next week and to sleep on my right side. i cannot lay facing the ceiling, I am not allowed to go upside down and I cannot jog or jump. No flying until the gas bubble absorbs. at the one week followup he told me I didn’t have to keep chin to chest and to return in 4 weeks.

There is no real warning for this. Genetics can play a factor and nearsightedness can be more common in people who suffer retina detachment. Without surgery I would have lost my vision completely forever. The recovery is long. I had been told 4-6 weeks though every case is different. The advice I can give is to get your eyes checked regularly. If you see floaters or little specks of fruit flies or dust that is a warning sign. Get in sooner rather than later.

During these first 3 weeks I didn’t drive. I have terrible depth of field and cannot judge distance well. A few days before the 4 week followup I lost my taste and smell. My stepdaughter had confirmed COVID but hadn’t been over for several days prior and I didn’t realize COVID has a two week incubation for many people!

I had both boys tested and one tested positive and one negative. I had Hudson tested again yesterday and expect the same result. I think he had a very mild case as many children do. Our COVID experience has been pretty low key as far as symptoms go. Matthew and I both lost taste and smell, he had a cough but I didn't. I lost my appetite and had an incredibly dry mouth. My body ached all over and I had a brutal headache. The boys had a more mild version with minimal cough and no breathing issues. Other than the grumpiness we are feeling better and are on the road to recovery.

CONTACT TRACING o.m.g. what a nightmare that is. Thankfully I had been home from work because of my eye and didn’t have to contact any clients. Silver linings right? The school situation is a different story. Oliver is quarantined for 10 days from test date and returns to school this week. Hudson may be out until after winter break because of his negative test. The school requires 14 day quarantine since Matthew and I were both positive and were unable to isolate from our children, in addition to a 10 day contagious stage. So he’s home from school TWENTY FOUR days.

On the bright side: I have connected with many of you for help with car pool pickup. I was in complete denial of the inability to drive during the first week post op. I pieced together a car pool schedule and have been humbled by the kindness and willingness to help. I have been surrounded by an amazing village over these years in business by women who lift me up and allow me to lean in. I’ve had food deliveries, books and puzzles dropped off. I’ve been treated to lunch and driven to appointments rock star style.

I would be happy to share more of our experience with COVID or talk about my eye surgery if you have any more questions. Please feel free to reach out!

much love


Julie MusgraveThe Skin Spot